Looking at it rationally, I know I'm not going to keep up posting to this thing at the rate I have been today. But that's almost certainly a good thing.
I'm going for interestingly intelligent people 101 today. With interesting things to say. For example, Kit's Concatenation on the subject of critique is interesting, and valid, although similar points have been made before. Also exceptionally intriguing is Jane St Clair's comments on writing in different media.
I agree with her, for the most part. I've never liked "Ohhhhhh"s in my fic just because to me they look stupid on screen as well as in print, and I've been known to read proper novels in text form (go go Gutenberg). Tastes differ. That form of extreme third person limited she's talking about I happen to love, and have even used it from time to time - who would have thought I'd ever write present tense anything?
I'm going for interestingly intelligent people 101 today. With interesting things to say. For example, Kit's Concatenation on the subject of critique is interesting, and valid, although similar points have been made before. Also exceptionally intriguing is Jane St Clair's comments on writing in different media.
I agree with her, for the most part. I've never liked "Ohhhhhh"s in my fic just because to me they look stupid on screen as well as in print, and I've been known to read proper novels in text form (go go Gutenberg). Tastes differ. That form of extreme third person limited she's talking about I happen to love, and have even used it from time to time - who would have thought I'd ever write present tense anything?
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