Thursday, May 09, 2002

Non-Swearing Week Update

Well, the past couple of days have been flawless - no swearing at all. On the other hand, I'm apparently more uptight than my present social circle's inhabitants have ever known me to be.

The moral we appear to be reaching: Swearing is bad when it gets out of hand, but being able to swear away my frustrations in irksome situation keeps me far less tense than I otherwise would be. I'm still intending to maintain Non-Swearing Week until, well, the end of the week. Three days to go. Of course, given than I nearly had a raging temper tantrum earlier because:

a) people were committing the UniSFA library to things I didn't think we wanted without even asking me, and I'm librarian


b) one person in particular apparently feels that I'm not allowed to decide we should accept things either, and I'm librarian

this may not be a good thing if I plan to spend time around, you know, people in the next three days.

It doesn't help that Non-Swearing Week has been a very stressful week, and I really want to swear about things like my suede jacket getting damaged (that's today's), and losing my umbrella, and all the myriad little frustrations which have been plaguing me. (And, in some cases, the myriad frustrations who have been plaguing me.)

New entry for people-types I hate: The guy who won't stop talking to me even though I'm QUITE CLEARLY trying to read a book, who is totally unattractive (particularly to me), and who keeps apparently trying to flirt with me. Who makes comments about friends who are dating people with age gaps of, like, six to ten years, and is spineless enough that when I say "My girlfriend is 49." he backflips and says "So what?" then starts telling me he's into poly relationships and asks if I know what that is and doesn't get the hint until I say "Yes, I do. It's very much not my thing though."



<deep breath> I feel marginally better now.

Non-Swearing Week, however, will not be a repeated event in my life. I've broken the habit. I will swear responsibly again now. But if I don't swear at all I will not be responsible for the consequences.