Dad, he good Dad, but he not so bright.
This morning I had an e-mail from him when I stumbled bleary and half-asleep to my computer. (Yes, I often do check my e-mail as the very first thing I do when I wake up.) He asked me to check around the house for his phone, which apparently he'd left somewhere. Fair enough, I thinks, and rings it from my own so it will make a noise. Tracked it down easily enough and replied to his e-mail to tell him I'd done so.
Later, he called from work. "So did you find my phone?"
"Yes. I e-mailed you about it."
"I asked you to call me. I didn't know which e-mail address you'd use."
"Uh... The one that you sent it from, being that I replied to it. I don't have your work number, how was I supposed to call? Your phone is IN MY HAND." (He hadn't asked me to call him, anyway.)
The point remains, I did call him when I was looking for the phone. He just didn't answer, the callous bastard.
Studied today. Went to uni. Had public transport issues. Got there half an hour late, had good gaming session. Players are very intelligent and nearly spotted something I do
not want them to realise yet. Ah, well. One missed the session tonight. I disappeared his character, he is now officially a missing person.
DM is having more fun than should be legal with this aspect.
When I came home, Dad and I talked a while. Discussed at length one of my Primary Traumatic Memories, and he hugged me, which was nice.
Now I am contemplating the delight which is running a roleplaying campaign. Current situation is that two players are
screwed and don't know it yet, one is in a really good position but will
later be screwed, and one is currently in a fairly placid position - and may yet end up either advantaged, or screwed, we'll see which.
Screwedness is not inherent in my plan, I want the characters to thrive. But since the end plot of the over-story involves mass destruction, I'm going for some badness in there too. Also, the long-term effect of their screwedness is to their benefit. For example, one of the characters is going to acquire magic powers... And even I don't know which one, yet.
The great thing is, they're all really good players, so they do things like set up opportunities for me to do
really cool stuff. And Rae has rocking cool enjoyment setting up her campaign, and just hopes she doesn't lose the many plot threads which she has set up.
Also, review: I do still think the Lesensraum joke is funny. Because I am warped and sick and wrong, and because a huge chunk of my higher functions have been relocated temporarily to fin de siecle France. <cannot be bothered accenting fin de siecle properly>
Now reading: A book called
The Infinitive of Go, author forgotten. It's interesting.
Now doing: Blogging. Duh.
The UberCool: The pidgin English term
mixmaster him blong Jesus Chris. (tr.: helicopter)
Now Hearing: World War Two music, playing in my head.